Ideatec panels as a design complement

The installation of acoustic panels in a room responds mainly to the need to have a sound-absorbing coating that helps to solve the problem of reverberation. However, the panels are an element that can add a very important aesthetic value to the space where they are located. As a consequence, sometimes the acoustic lining of a space goes unnoticed due to the design they provide, which is perceived as a decorative component instead of as acoustic conditioning. The most demanded finishes are natural woods or melamines that imitate their appearance due to their elegance, although there are also sound-absorbing foam panels, effective by definition.

The wood panels integrate perfectly into the environment where they are located, while achieving good levels of sound absorption. Classic wood panels such as the Ideatec acustic family are ribbed, perfect for use on interior walls and ceilings where harmony and comfort predominate. In addition, it can be curved according to the aesthetic demands of the room, fully adapting to what is needed in terms of style.

Some of these panels have a design of slots or perforations that not only have a high sound-absorbing capacity, but are also the perfect visual complement for the room. Along these lines, the Ideatec perfo family has products with different compositions of holes or slots, the result of which serves as a perfect complement to the decoration of private spaces. Within it, the Ideatec acustic Design collection is based on a system of slots of various widths and diameters that They adapt to any technical and aesthetic prescription. Its different grooved perforation designs are perfect for completing the decoration of spaces that require a different style, without sacrificing the best acoustic properties. These options are frequently used in modern architecture due to their ability to generate spaces where it is necessary to integrate design and acoustic absorption.

Pero no solo la madera es un aliado estético para el acondicionamiento acústico de un espacio. Los paneles de espuma flexible fonoabsorbente también ofrecen un acabado sencillo a la par que elegante. Sus formas, que varían desde el semicilindro hasta la estructura piramidal, y su acabado en color gris carbón o negro, hacen que la estancia donde se ubican adquiera un toque de profesionalidad, a la vez que mitiga la excesiva reverberación y consigue un sonido limpio. La familia Ideafoam se utiliza especialmente para salas de música o estudios de grabación por el acabado pulcro que ofrecen y por su efectividad para aislar el sonido y acondicionar la reverberación. En definitiva, todos los productos de Ideatec se fabrican con el objetivo de cumplir con las máximas exigencias de las estancias donde se ubican. Nuestro equipo trata de mejorarlos siempre que es posible no solo para ofrecer los mejores paneles fonoabsorbentes, sino también para aumentar la calidad de sus diseños y que así se adapten a las necesidades estéticas de cualquier espacio de manera eficaz y elegante.