In this week’s post we wanted to tell you about some of the myths that exist in relation to products used as substitutes for acoustic materials. Among these myths we find that of the famous cardboard egg cup or insulating paint.


Who hasn’t seen walls full of cardboard egg cups in local band rehearsal rooms? Due to its resemblance to foam acoustic diffusers, many bands choose this option to line such spaces. This is common since many of these beginner groups lack the funds to invest in a quality room. As for conditioning, it could be said that they totally lack insulating quality for any space. In any case, it is true that they have diffusing properties, although very limited and reduced. Egg cups are also classified as materials with low acoustic absorption.
These myths must be refuted as soon as possible to avoid greater evils. The best option if you want to acoustically condition a space is to put yourself in the hands of a professional. Ideatec Advanced Acoustic Solutions offers personalized advice services for the place to be conditioned. Working hand in hand with a professional company will guarantee you a better solution to combat noise.